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KaWe Oftalmoskop m. 6 blænder, sort. 2.5v Expand

KaWe Ophalmoscope

Item number: 315010

NOK 2,125.00 tax incl.

tax incl.
NOK 1,360.00 tax excl.
For direct ophthalmoscopy with aspherical precision optics, correction lens wheel +/- 20 dioptres and six diaphragms: slit diaphragm, large circle, small circle, half-circle, red-free (green) - large circle and and fixing aid for all ophthalmological examinations. Excellent illumination thanks to the efficient halogen bulb. 

Batteries 1.5 V, type (AA) - Mignon, are not included in the scope of supply!

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KaWe Ophalmoscope

KaWe Ophalmoscope


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