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Genopfyld, 126 dele, førstehjælptaske, DIN 13 169 Expand

Genopfyld, 126 dele, førstehjælptaske, DIN 13 169

Item number: 754093
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Refill kit - YOUR 13 169 - 122 pieces for emergency bags etc.

NOK 501.00 tax incl.

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NOK 321.00 tax excl.
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The standard first aid kit contains contents according to DIN 13157. The content of a first aid kit according to DIN 13169 is simply twice as large as a normal kit.

Contains a good basic assortment of dressings including gloves, scissors, and a foil blanket.

Contents: Various types of support bandages, fixation tape, various types and sizes of plaster, finger bandage, wound compress, sterile dressing, eye pad, instant cold pack, arm sling, shock blanket, scissors, disposable gloves.

Shelf approx. 4 years.


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Genopfyld, 126 dele, førstehjælptaske, DIN 13 169

Genopfyld, 126 dele, førstehjælptaske, DIN 13 169

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